Evaluation of Diverse Psychiatric Conditions

We Specialize in the assessment of a broad spectrum of psychiatric conditions

Psychiatric Conditions

Is your mood low, attention impaired, have guilt feelings, suicidal thoughts, hunger up or down, sleep disturbed, decreased appetite, decreased pleasure in normally enjoyable things, poor focus, or both? Are you experiencing low self-esteem?


Please book an appointment through the link below to see me.

Please schedule an appointment to see me if you display symptoms such as having an inflated sense of self-worth, being overly ambitious, engaging in risky business ventures, having sexual indiscretions, going on uncontrolled spending sprees, participating in pleasurable activities that could lead to painful outcomes, insufficient sleep on average (three hours), or abusing substances to an unhealthy degree.

Is loss and sadness something you’re experiencing? You are not obligated to face this challenge by yourself. Are you dealing with issues such as recent loss, reactions to past losses, impairments in functioning, inadequate social and family support networks, insomnia, anorexia, thoughts of suicide, substance misuse, or denial?


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

Does your mood fluctuate a lot, are you anxious, have low energy, have trouble sleeping, or are you really irritable? Symptoms of premenstrual dysphoria disorder can be affecting you. There is a symptom-free interval in the follicular phase following menstruation, and symptoms recur multiple times throughout the menstrual cycle. When a woman enters the perimenopausal period, her symptoms could get worse. Disruptions to daily life and emotional stability are common outcomes of symptoms. A combination of SSRI antidepressants and hormonal contraceptives may be prescribed as a therapy. This is not the way your life has to be.


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

Are you dealing with symptoms such as: twitching, tremors, shortness of breath, dizziness, numbness, fatigue easily, increased respiratory rates, generalized muscle pain, aches and pains, tremors, subjective reports of shakiness, autonomic hyperarousal signs, tachycardia, and sleep disturbances or increased tone? Anxiety disorders manifest with these symptoms.


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

Are you familiar with the following: combat, kidnapping, terrorism, torture, prolonged sexual abuse, violent crimes (such as robbery or rape), and natural or man-made disasters? Have you ever witnessed someone else’s death or serious injury, or heard about someone you care about passing away unexpectedly or suffering a serious injury?


Do you find yourself repeatedly going through dissociative episodes that last for hours or days, disturbing and reoccurring memories of the event (pictures, thoughts, sensations), flashbacks, having disturbing dreams about what happened repeatedly, perceiving, or acting as though the painful incident were happening again, excruciating mental anguish upon seeing triggers that represent or mimic features of the horrific incident?


Is it the case that you continue to steer clear of anything that reminds you of the traumatic experience or makes you feel less responsive? Are you someone who tries to keep terrible memories at a distance? When you think about things that make you remember bad things that have happened to you, do you stay away from them?


Can you not remember key details of a past event? Have you seen a significant decline in your interest in or engagement with formerly enjoyed activities? Have you also noticed a marked narrowing of your emotional spectrum? Are you pessimistic about your prospects for the future, fearful about dying too soon, or just plain unhappy?


Does this sound familiar to you? Persistent symptoms of heightened arousal, trouble sleeping, irritability or explosive rage, concentration issues, hypervigilance, or an exaggerated reaction to startle?


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

Are you experiencing hallucinations, delusions, referential thinking, disorganized behavior, hostility, grandiosity, mania, or suspiciousness? It is time to seek help.

Call to book an appointment to see my team.

Is there a pattern of suspicious behavior and generalized mistrust in your life? Minimal social media presence, relationship problems with other people, refusing to answer inquiries about one’s private life, limiting the amount of information shared about oneself, compliments are frequently misunderstood, pervasive pathological envy, challenging to be around because of emotionless demeanor, high demands for control, quite litigious, inflexible, and harshly judgmental of others, view people negatively; prejudiced and stereotypical.


Do you prefer to be alone; you don’t want to have sexual interactions, you don’t like being around other people, and you don’t want to be in a committed relationship. Have no one to lean on for support, don’t care what other people think, shows signs of emotionally flattening and comes across as distant and uncaring?


Is your social anxiety severe? Is your belief system wacky? Have you ever had paranoid thoughts? Is your affect restricted or inappropriate? Does your behavior stand out as weird, eccentric, or peculiar?


Are you unable to adhere to societal norms and have committed crimes on multiple occasions; these symptoms may indicate an antisocial personality disorder? Falsehoods, deceit, and the use of aliases for financial gain or personal enjoyment, having a lack of forethought and acting on impulse, careless disdain for other people’s well-being, chronic carelessness, a lack of shame, and apathy about other people’s emotions?


Are you prone to paranoia, dissociation, impulsivity (often accompanied by self-harm), recurrent suicidal thoughts or actions, an overwhelming sense of loneliness, inappropriate and heightened emotional reactions to anger, and frantic attempts to avoid actual or imagined abandonment?


When you’re not the focus of attention, do you feel awkward? Is your behavior in social interactions often too sexualized or provocative, marked by quick mood swings and insincere expressions of emotion? Is your outward appearance something you utilize to get people to notice you? You think relationships are more personal than they actually are, yet your speech is overly impressionistic and vague?


Are you someone who believes in your uniqueness, has an inflated sense of self-importance, or is fixated on fantasies of greatness, power, prosperity, and beauty?


Is your need for praise excessive, your expectations too high, or your feeling of entitlement too strong? Do you exhibit conceited and ostentatious conduct, lack empathy, be envious of others, or think that others are envious of you?


Are you unable to relax, show signs of avoidance behavior, procrastinate, have trouble following through, and worry excessively about being rejected or criticized?


Do you shun situations where you’ll have to interact with other people, avoid situations where you’ll have to deal with criticism, disapproval, or rejection, and only become connected with people if you know you’ll be liked? Are you someone who is afraid to be vulnerable in intimate relationships, who is constantly worried about being judged or rejected in social situations, who thinks they are socially awkward, ugly, or inferior, or who is afraid to try new things or take risks?


Would you say that you have trouble expressing disagreement, that you need other people to take responsibility for most parts of your life, or that you have trouble making everyday decisions without a lot of advice? Is it hard for you to start things rolling on your own? Is your dread of being alone an unrealistic obsession? Do you go to extreme measures to get other people to care for you and support you once a close relationship ends?


Do you find yourself fixated on minutiae, regulations, structure, and regimentation? Are you excessively dedicated to your job and productivity, severely meticulous, morally rigid, and prone to perfectionism that gets in the way of getting things done? Do you have trouble getting rid of old or useless stuff, have trouble delegating responsibilities, or find it difficult to collaborate with people? When it comes to spending money, are you frugal with yourself and other people? Are you unyielding and unyielding?


For a more thorough assessment, contact my office today. Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

A chronic pattern of aggressive or irritated mood accompanied by rebellious or spiteful actions (a strong and unreasonable desire for retribution) – Becomes furious, easily irritated or emotional, resentful or angry, challenges authority figures, acts irrationally, refuses to comply with authority figures’ requests or norms, places blame on others, upsets others on purpose, hateful or vengeful.


To schedule an additional evaluation for your kid, please click the link.


A pattern of conduct that violates the rights of others or society norms or rules on a repetition and persistence basis.  Bullying, threatening, intimidating, starting fights, using a weapon to inflict bodily injury to others, physically cruel to people or animals, stealing while confronting a victim, and forcing sexual activity on someone are all forms of aggressiveness towards people or animals.


Setting fires and destroying other people’s property constitutes property destruction. Theft, deceit, or breaking into a house, building, or vehicle; using lies in order to steal wares. Prone to severe rule breaking, such as staying out late before the age of 13, absconding, or being absent from school before the age of 13.


To schedule an additional evaluation for your kid, please click the link.

Problems with focus, impulsivity, or both that last for a long time and get in the way of daily life and growth. Carelessness with details, trouble focusing, not paying attention when others are speaking, and failing to complete tasks as directed, chaos, in loss of possessions, dislike of or avoidance of activities demanding prolonged mental effort, ignorant and sidetracked.


Fidgets, leaves seat, dashes or climbs while “On the go” Somebody who is always talking and who can’t control themselves when they speak, has trouble waiting for their turn and frequently interrupts others.


To schedule an additional evaluation for your kid, please click the link.

Poor social reciprocity, nonverbal communication, and relationship development, maintenance, and comprehension are symptoms of more systemic problems with social communication and interaction.


Limitations on routine actions, repetitive or stereotypical motor actions, focus on uniformity, severely limited, with unwavering dedication, hyper- or hyposensory input.


To schedule an additional evaluation for your kid, please click the link.

In Rett syndrome, a person experiences a period of normal functioning after birth, followed by the development of specific abnormalities.

To schedule an additional evaluation for your kid, please click the link.

Intimate partner violence can take many forms, including physical, psychological, financial, and sexual harm committed on an individual with the purpose to dominate, control, manipulate, or manipulate them.


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

Incest, sodomy, rape, oral and anal actions, and the use of a foreign object are all forms of sexual penetration that involve compulsion or physical force, a sexually expressed act of aggression and degrading behavior.


Visit the link to schedule an appointment for a more thorough assessment.

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At green pasture psychiatry, our dedicated team of mental health professionals is committed to providing comprehensive and confidential support for individuals facing various psychiatric conditions.


General population

Chronic illnesses


Bisexual / Lesbian/ Gay / Transgender allied


Children and adults


Immune disorders